Is Your Makeup Mask Ready?

stylish african american woman with makeup in dress looking at camera isolated on blue

Build A Great Foundation.

Start with your regular skin care regime. Don’t skimp on great skincare even when wearing a mask, especially when wearing a mask. Keeping your skin in top condition insures that you won’t be plagued with typical skin challenges in a mask or out of it.

Mask wearers can experience dry or chafed spots and extra oiliness. So prevention is half the cure. Daily Defense Oil Free Moisturizer is the perfect choice, paired with an excellent foundation primer. We love Shine Away Oil Blotting Primer for this step. Even if you plan to skip foundation, don’t skip your primer.

Once you are moisturized and primed. You have a choice to make. Full face of foundation, or a simple powder application. Cream to Powder Foundation is an excellent choice. But be sure to set with *this is important* with Luxury Oil Blotting Pressed Powder in your matching shade. This insures that the “mask on, mask off” doesn’t take your foundation off. Blush as needed.

Your lips are sealed.

For lips, there is no better lip color for “on again, off again” mask wearers than All Nighter Liquid Lips. It is a gorgeous “set it and forget it” color that wears beautifully all day long, even behind your mask. It is transfer resistant so you lips will stay fresh looking. It is also non-drying and comes in bold, amazing, pigment rich shades.

Go bold or stay home.

Here’s the fun part. The eyes express everything in a mask. A beautiful eye treatment is key to telling the world you are as fabulous as ever. Brows must be always on point. Then use bold color, for an unforgettable, expressive look. In or out of your mask. Check out Throwin’ Shade Single Eye Shadows for this step. Bold and vibrant or rich and smokey, the choice is yours. Worried about wearing an evening look during the day? Don’t be. Go bold! This is the area that will attract attention, so be creative! Let us see your Eye Creations, send us your best looks – You may see them here on the site!

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