SteriLabs N95 respirators reprocessing research published in The Journal of Hospital Infection
December 1, 2020
SteriLabs high impact research has been published in a prestigious and peer-reviewed scientific journal; The Journal of Hospital Infection. Full article is available on The Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 106, Issue 4, P698-708;DOI:
This research is the result of collaboration with the Hoar Lab at McMaster University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, see post on March 20, 2020. All tested N95 respirator models passed the minimum filter efficiency of 95% after three cycles of gravity steam reprocessing. The 1870+ N95 respirator model is the most promising model for reprocessing based on its efficient bacterial inactivation coupled with the maintenance of all other key functional respirator properties after multiple reprocessing steps.
SteriLabs featured in Dr. Weigert Global News article published at the WFHSS Congress
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SteriLabs partners with The Hoare lab at McMaster University to develop a process for the reprocessing of N95 respirators to address severe shortages
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